Explain how the problem is affecting people.

There are some examples of how the climate change affect people's health around the world. It actually impact human in countless ways including:


The above list not only show the basic consequences how it affect the people's life and getting worser if people do not take action. On the other hand, it also a solution like fueling the economy and goods. According to many studies this can bring a long-term consequences continuing happen from now to the year 2100.

Other informations how the climate change affecting the people, also known as the summary of the article

The experts expect that global sea levels will rise somewhere around by the end of 21st century if global warming continuing unchecked ( around 2 to 4 feet ), hevier storm happen, agriculture, extinction of some species. Global warming has a few major effects on the oceans. As water gets warmer, it expands. And as glaciers and ice caps in places like Greenland and Antarctica melt, they add water to the ocean. That all causes sea levels to go up.

To know more about the global warming, click here:article!